
Fantastic Software, Apps and Gadgets- designed to make your life a joy!

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This month….for Actors

Becoming an actor is not an easy job. You need a lot of fortitude, luck and just plain hard work. Properly rehearsing, memorizing the scenes and dialogue, auditioning, …everything… needs your effort and resources.

In the old days, you had to spend up big to purchase software and gadgets. You had to meet up with like-minded souls to rehearse. If you couldn’t find a photocopier you were stuffed  and when you wanted to record your performance you needed to hire a pro team or make do with the mirror. But now-a-days, with the advent of smart phones, it has become easier for the aspiring actors to deal with the various aspects of this challenging career… like rehearsing, auditioning, researching etc. There are various apps that make the job easy.

Helpful Apps for Actors 

Though we still may need to keep the papers for scripts and books for rehearsals, there are certain applications that you can install in your gadgets( like smart phones, ipads etc.) and get the ability to complete your various performance tasks in less time.

1. Rehearsal:                 rehearsalaapp

As the name indicates this is a an app designed to help you in rehearsing the scenes before they are staged or shot. It helps you in memorizing the script and recording the scenes. It is one of the most useful apps,preferred by most of the famous TV actors and Stars. It has an application for ipads and iphones etc. It helps you in recording the scenes, downloading the scripts, submitting the auditions, helping you in preparing for stage performances and many other things. It uses text-to-speech software, to make the user interact with the script and vice versa.

2- IMDb:                          imdbapp

This is a free app which is designed  for the purpose of researching the bios of performers. You can do research for everything on this app. Including discovering who played the roles before you. Research is an important part of any actor’s project and this app is helpful for that.

3) Actors Access Mobile:actorsaccessapp

This one is the app designed for helping actors in the most important part of getting the job, auditioning. This app is not free but it is worth buying. From submitting resumes to finding casting calls, this app helps you in everything. You can send shots and  submit your portfolio from anywhere using this app. It helps you in keeping the track of things, including who you have contacted. Being quick to know and act increases your chances of getting shortlisted for that role!

4) Screenplay:                 screenplayapp

Is for those actors, who along with acting, have the talent for scriptwriting. This app helps you to write the story in the correct format, anytime, anywhere. Great for when you are sitting around waiting on set. Don’t waste a moment. Get writing!

Now is a high tech time to be an actor. You don’t need to worry … just install these apps and enjoy your profession.